Governor Parson and his administration have been working hard to protect the health and well-being of all Missourians. Here are the most critical actions he’s taken to protect the health of all Missourians and combat COVID-19.
Governor Parson is bridging the gap leveraging public and private lab resources to increase Missouri’s testing abilities.
Expanded the use of telemedicine and pharmacology in order to protect doctors and decrease the risk of exposure to both healthcare providers and patients.
Waived existing statutes and rules to assist pharmacists in dispensing medications and managing tasks remotely.
Allowing patients to get an emergency prescription filled by another pharmacy if their original dispensing pharmacy is closed and they are unable to contact the prescriber.
Allowing pharmacists to dispense up to a 30-day supply of emergency medication rather than the normal 7 days. This addresses the need to limit the number of visits to a pharmacy and address restrictions on business hours.
Extending the time a temporary permit is valid for nurses so those who already hold a temporary permit are able to continue working for a longer period. This will help with the current nursing shortage.
Allowing graduate nurses to continue working past the 90-day period they are allowed following graduation. The closure of the testing centers that normally administer the exams means they cannot take the required licensure exam within that 90-day period.
The State Board of Nursing is extending its ability to work under supervision for an additional 90 days and will then re-evaluate.
Eligibility for any Medicaid participant will not be terminated unless the individual requests a voluntary termination of eligibility or the individual ceases to be a resident of the state through the end of the federal emergency COVID-19 declaration.
Extending 90 days of MO HealthNet coverage to Missourians ages 19-64 who test positive for COVID-19 and meet the income and resource eligibility guidelines.
Relaxing requirements related to prescription refills and prior authorizations to ensure participants have access to essential medications.
Expediting new provider enrollment applications and waiving certain enrollment requirements such as application fees and on-site visits to enable providers to serve Medicaid participants
Waiving the co-payment for any services provided by means of telehealth