At this time in Missouri’s history, we are blessed to have a person of Gov. Mike Parson’s integrity and experience leading our state. The Uniting Missouri PAC stands behind him and his efforts to make Missouri a better place to start, relocate, or grow a business, creating more opportunities for Missouri’s dedicated workers; to ensure Missouri’s schools are funded at the highest level in state history so our students are ready for the jobs of tomorrow; to combat the crime epidemic in the state and support tough sentencing on violent criminals and gang members; to oppose sanctuary city policies that provide a safe harbor to illegal immigrants who commit crimes; and to uphold Missouri Values such as the right to life and defense of the Second Amendment.
1 https://ded.mo.gov/content/august-jobs-report-released
2 https://oa.mo.gov/commissioners-office/news/state-releases-september-2019-general-revenue-report
7 https://house.mo.gov/BillTracking/PDFViewer/web/viewer.html?file=/billtracking/bills081/jrnpdf/jrn074.pdf#page=6 (Page 1902. Parson Votes Yes)
8 In 2019, as Governor, he signed HB 126 “Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act” into law on 5/24/2019: https://governor.mo.gov/actions/legislative-actions?title=&field_legislative_session_target_id=All&field_action_target_id%5B1391%5D=1391&field_action_target_id%5B1396%5D=1396&field_action_target_id%5B1461%5D=1461&field_action_target_id%5B1466%5D=1466&field_type_target_id%5B1386%5D=1386&sort_by=field_date_value&sort_order=DESC&page=1
9 He cosponsored a bill to expand the castle doctrine: https://www.stlmag.com/news/politics/who-is-mike-parson-missouri-s-next-governor/
He is also endorsed by the NRA